
Regional Chambers Cooperation Working Network Meeting


As Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bursa Commodity Exchange, Gemlik Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Giresun Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Orhangazi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we held a meeting to further our cooperation and coordination efforts. In this important meeting, we discussed the steps we will take to improve our performance and improve our service quality as chambers and commodity exchanges.

Bursa Commodity Exchange, Gemlik Chamber of Commerce and Industry and BursaPro Web Design and Programming chamber and company officials attended the meeting hosted by Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the meeting, we discussed the accreditation process, which is an important issue for our chambers and exchanges to work more effectively and achieve our goals.

Detailed information was given about the innovations and integrations made on the software, which includes the new accreditation items determined by the TOBB Accreditation Board. These updates will enable our chambers and exchanges to monitor their performance more closely, effectively manage their projects and monitor their processes. Thus, we will have the opportunity to provide better service to our members and to make our cooperation efforts more efficient.

Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trade Registry Manager - Management Systems and Accreditation Specialist İbrahim Akkanat stated that the updates will help our chambers and commodity exchanges reach their goals and go further. At the same time, we believe that these new accreditation articles determined by the TOBB Accreditation Board will increase the prestige of our chambers and commodity exchanges at the national and international level.

With the acceptance of the new accreditation clauses and the completion of the integration into the software, the Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other Regional Chambers Cooperation Working Network member chambers will have taken an important step towards providing better service to our members. This meeting is a step towards our goal of increasing our performance, improving our service quality and providing better service to our members by strengthening our cooperation and coordination efforts.

As the Regional Chambers Cooperation Working Network, we will continue our determination to act together as chambers and commodity exchanges and to achieve common goals. We believe that these efforts will increase the prestige of our chambers and commodity exchanges at the national and international level. We will continue to work together to provide better service to the business world.