
The Future is in Vocational High Schools


Kenan Engin, Vice President of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, conveyed information about the studies carried out by saying, “We must train wanted staff, not intermediate staff.

As the Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with our National Education Directorate, we are working to make vocational high schools a reputable and reputable educational institution, with great motivation and mobilizing all our resources, both for industrialists and for our medium-sized enterprises, which are small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the interviews and studies we have made, we aim to overlap the departments in vocational high schools and the areas needed by the industry and service sector. In this direction, we aim to increase the interest of the private sector in vocational education and increase the workforce by improving the content of vocational education and contributing more to individuals. In particular, our main goal is that the student learns not only in the theoretical framework, but also by applying and producing. Therefore, there is a need to update the machinery in the schools, the tools and equipment, the qualifications of our teachers, the content of the curriculum and many similar subjects in parallel with the developments in Yalova.

It is very important that the departments for Organized Industrial Zones, which will be operational in Yalova in the near future, are created and that the students are qualified to find a job after graduating from these departments.

In this sense, a transformation has started in Şehit Sercan Yazar Vocational High School, which we are in the management of as YTSO. Yalova Makine OSB management also updates and renews the machinery equipment and similar equipment needed by our school in line with the protocol it has made with this school, and provides scholarships to successful students. This study has been a model that takes into account the needs of the city and production.

Again, for our shipyard sector, a transformation has started in the related vocational high school with the contributions of our shipyard workers, and the wanted personnel for that sector has started to be trained.

The students of these schools, who had difficulty in contacting the industrialists even when they graduated, now continue their education hand in hand with our industrialists as soon as they register to the school. When they graduate, they start their careers in production life, mostly as a 'requested employee' rather than an 'intermediate'.

YTSO, together with our Directorate of National Education, has been working to make the vocational high schools, which industrialists from the relevant industry sectors are personally interested in, much stronger in terms of both education formation and internship opportunities, especially for the last year.

Currently, there is a problem of unemployment rather than unemployment in the real sector. Our young people who attend vocational high school, on the other hand, start life ahead.

Of course, we want all our children to graduate from University, but this time there are serious problems in employment. Our children, who have graduated from university and have high expectations, cannot find a job because they do not have a job. That's why the future is in our vocational high schools. Our students and parents need to perceive this situation well and make the right choice in order for our children to grow up as wanted personnel.