
Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Signed a "Discount in Health" Protocol with Gazident Private Dental Polyclinic


Cemil Demiryürek, Chairman of the Board of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said, “As Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we aim to increase our members' easier access to health services and increase their quality of life. Accordingly, we signed a "Discount in Health" protocol with Gazident Private Dental Clinic.

Within the scope of the protocol, Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry members and their first degree relatives will be able to have a free examination at Gazident Private Dental Polyclinic and benefit from a 20% discount on dental treatment services (15% on Surgery, Orthodontics and implant services). Thanks to these discounts, members and their families will be able to benefit from health services at more affordable costs.

In his speech, Chairman Demiryürek emphasized that they will continue to take steps to increase the welfare of the members. He wished that this protocol signed with Gazident Private Dental Polyclinic would be beneficial for the members, and hoped that the discount protocol would bring health and happiness to the members and their families.