
The Use of Mental Capital in Sales and Marketing Training was Held


"Training on the Use of Mental Capital in Sales and Marketing" was held with the cooperation of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry (YTSO) and ABİGEM East Marmara. Members of Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry and company executives participated in the training, which took place in the YTSO Assembly Meeting hall with the informative presentation of Bahçeşehir University and Medipol University lecturer Reha Tartici.

In the training, the concept of emotional intelligence was emphasized and the effect of emotional intelligence on sales performance was discussed. Participants were informed about how perception should be managed and the importance of perception management in sales. In addition, marketing strategies such as the price-value relationship, sectoral value creation, and positioning of the created value were examined in detail. Emphasizing the impact of segmentation on sales and marketing, practical information was given on how to see opportunities in the market and where to look for them.

The training also highlighted the differences between material capital and mental capital. It was focused on how mental capital can be used in sales and marketing processes. How mental capital strengthens the difference created and how it is transformed into sales was explained in detail to the participants. Emphasizing on topics such as data mining and data analysis, how data can be transformed into value was explained. Emphasizing the importance of the ability to interpret the light seen at the end of the tunnel, the participants were given practical tips on this subject.

In the continuation of the training, the effects of rapidly developing and changing technological developments on marketing communication and strategies were evaluated. The effects of digitalization on sales and commercial processes were examined in depth. Participants learned how to evaluate the opportunities offered by the digital world and how to use these opportunities.

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